Young living bee sting remedy
Young living bee sting remedy

young living bee sting remedy

You can use a credit card or the blunt edge of a knife to scrape out the stinger, says Pierrette Mimi Poinsett, MD, a pediatrician and consultant for Mom Loves Best. Another home remedy that you could try is honey. The first thing you need to do to treat a bee sting is to make sure the stinger is removed. This will reduce swelling as well as the pain. Leave the cold on for 10 minutes at a time and repeat as needed.


In fact, rubbing metal on the skin can potentially cause more harm than good by introducing bacteria or causing further irritation to the skin. One of the best things you can do to treat a bee sting at home is use a cold pack or an ice cube to massage the sting. While rubbing a metal object like a key on a bee sting may provide some temporary relief by stimulating nerve endings and reducing pain, there is no scientific evidence to support this as a safe or effective home remedy for bee stings. Mix a small amount of meat tenderizer with water to make a paste, then apply it to the sting area. Apply a thin layer of hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion to help with pain and itching, and cover with a bandage.

young living bee sting remedy

Apply an ice pack for at least 20 minutes to control pain and swelling. The treatment regimen consisted of live bee stings once daily or three times a week. Wash the area with soap and water to remove residual venom and reduce the chance of infection. You can wrap it with cloth or more plant leaves to hold it in place if necessary. Leave the paste in place at least 10-15 minutes and up to half an hour before washing off. Apply the chewed poultice to the sting area. Meat tenderizer contains enzymes that can help break down the proteins in bee venom, which can help reduce pain and swelling. Bee stings, allergic reactions to drugs, and atopic dermatitis of. Chew the leaves well to make a wet, spit-based poultice. Toothpaste on a bee sting might be a great idea! Image courtesy: Shutterstock 8. Administering live bee stings in gradually increasing doses up to 20 stings given three times weekly does not seem to improve multiples sclerosis.

Young living bee sting remedy